Alocasia Melo Vs Maharani – A Tough Battle!

Alocasia Melo Vs Maharani – A Tough Battle!

Alocasia plants reign supreme, captivating enthusiasts with their striking foliage and air-purifying abilities. Among these botanical wonders, Alocasia Melo and Maharani stand out, each possessing a unique allure. But still, it is confusing which one has a special feature for indoor gardening. Let’s talk about the basic differences between Alocasia Melo vs Alocasia Maharani. Alocasia…

Alocasia Ninja Vs Black Velvet -Is Ninja A Sub Variant of Black Velvet?

Alocasia Ninja Vs Black Velvet -Is Ninja A Sub Variant of Black Velvet?

Alocasia Ninja and Black Velvel seem to be like the same plant in the white eye. But besides sharing the same grounds on many parameters, there are some differences as well. So, what are the differences between Alocasia Ninja and Alocasia Black Velvet? Alocasia Ninja has bright green leaves with silver-white veins. Black Velvet has…

Syngonium Vs Philodendron – Philodendron Wins By An Edge Maybe?

Syngonium Vs Philodendron – Philodendron Wins By An Edge Maybe?

Despite having a long history of survival, Philodendron is often compared to Syngonium, a new genre of indoor plant comparatively. Both have their unique characteristics, appearance, and other distinctions. So, who to pick in a Syngonium vs Philodendron debate? Syngonium has heart-shaped leaves and often stays compact. Philodendron features lance-shaped leaves and tends to climb,…

Calathea Vs Stromanthe – Resolving the Puzzle!

Calathea Vs Stromanthe – Resolving the Puzzle!

Calathea and Stromanthe are both stunning houseplants, but they differ in their care requirements and visual appeal.  So, what are the differences between Calathea and Stromanthe? If your choice depends on the Calathea vs. Stromanthe debate know their basic lighting requirement and caring tips. Calathea plants demand high humidity and indirect light, whereas Stromanthe can…

82 Different Types of Alocasia: Exploring the Diversity of Shapes & Sizes

82 Different Types of Alocasia: Exploring the Diversity of Shapes & Sizes

If you’re seeking a distinctive addition to your houseplant collection, Alocasia plants present a captivating array of choices.  From the enigmatic allure of the Black Velvet to the intricately detailed and attention-grabbing Dragon Scales, different types of Alocasia varieties are well-suited for any home. This article looks into 82 Alocasia types suitable for indoor cultivation,…

Do Caladiums Go Dormant In Tropical Countries? What You Need to Know

Do Caladiums Go Dormant In Tropical Countries? What You Need to Know

Dormancy is a regular process of caladium and for this, it does not need any specific country. What it needs is the weather conditions at certain times of its life. So, it is yes, Caladiums go dormant in tropical countries. Even in their native country, Caladiums can go through a period of dormancy. But their…

Calathea Vs Maranta: Appearance, Care, And Other Differences

Calathea Vs Maranta: Appearance, Care, And Other Differences

Many people think that both plants are almost the same in almost every way. But there are some differences between these two in leaf color, size, and growth habits. This is the main difference between these two plants.  In this article, I gonna explore the distinct care strategies required to nurture Calathea and Maranta to…

Different Types of Caladium: 16 Popular Types

Different Types of Caladium: 16 Popular Types

Caladium is a genus of tropical plants that people like most for their beauty and for keeping them indoors. There are so many types of it. Among them, the most popular are Festivia, Fiesta, Lindenii, and Hot Lips. All these varieties of Caladium have different features and different appearances. For these differences, people treat them…

Why Is My Caladium Drooping? Reasons And Solutions

Why Is My Caladium Drooping? Reasons And Solutions

There are so many reasons behind the drooping problem of indoor plant Caladium. Among them, newly planted plants can drop; leaves drop when become old, overwatering, too cold weather, too much dry soil, and overfeeding with fertilizer. Each problem has some roots and symptoms. They also have solutions.  In this discussion, I will discuss all…